Prof. Dr. Pierre Cochat
Département de Pédiatrie & Inserm U820
Centre de Référence des Maladies Rénales Héréditaires Hôpital Edouard-Herriot & Université Lyon 1
69437 Lyon cedex 03, France
Email: pierre.cochat@chu-lyon.fr
Tel : +33 4 72110346
Fax : +33 4 72110343
This side is at present in preparation and becomes as soon as possible the order. With questions you use yourselves please:
William Van’t Hoff, MD
Email: VANTHW@gosh.nhs.uk
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust Department of Pediatric Nephrology Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH United Kingdom
Phone: 0044 (0)2074059200 Ext 5583
Questa pagine e al momento in lavorazione e al piu presto possibile sava a dispositione Se avete domande vivolgetevi a:
Martino Marangella
S.C. Nefrologia e Dialisi
ASO Ordine Mauriziano
Largo Turati, 62 – 10128 Torino (Italy)
Email: mmarangella@mauriziano.it
Tel. 0039 011 5082 424
This side is at present in preparation and becomes as soon as possible the order. With questions you use yourselves please:
Jaap W. Groothoff, MD, PhD pediatric nephrologist
Department of Pediatric Nephrology G8-218
Emma Children’s Hospital AMC Academic Medical Center
Meibergdreef 9
1105AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: j.w.groothoff@amc.uva.nl
tel: **31-20-5667919
Website: www.hyperoxalurie.nl
This side is at present in preparation and becomes as soon as possible the order. With questions you use yourselves please:
Christiaan van Woerden
Emma Kinderziekenhuis AMC/ Emma Children’s Hospital G8-205
PO Box 22660
1100 DD Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Email: c.s.vanwoerden@amc.nl
tel: +31-20-5668936
fax: +31-20-6917735
Website: www.hyperoxalurie.nl
Ta strona jest obecnie w przygotowaniu i wkrotce bedzie dostepna. Ewentualne pytania prosze kierowac do:
Dr. Przemyslaw Sikora
Klinika Nefrologii Dzieciecej
Dzieciecy Szpital Kliniczny
ul. Chodzki 2
20-093 Lublin
Email: sikoraprzem@hotmail.com
Tel. 0048 81 7185470
Tel/Fax 0048 81 7413995
Kérjük, hogy kérdéseivel forduljon:
Rózsás Annette
Brucknerstr. 21
D-72800 Eningen u.A.
Email: annette@rozsas.de
Tel.: 00 49 7121 897470
Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation (OHF)
Website: www.ohf.org